Feeling Cursed

After a situation yesterday, I want to know when I broke a mirror, dropped salt, walked under a ladder, or let a black cat cross my path. I don’t usually fall for superstitions, but I have the worst luck. It seems that if something bad is going to happen it happens to me.

My husband and brother in law were just teasing me a week ago about my bad luck. Allow me to explain: in September my dog savagely ripped the screen out of my back door after I put her outside to go to the bathroom, at the end of October we put down our family dog because he was very old and sick, at the beginning of December I had to put my kitten down because his bladder ruptured, in January I got the stomach bug and ended up in the hospital because I was dehydrated and my chest hurt, Also in January just a couple weeks ago my back door came off the hinges as I opened it to let my dogs outside and yesterday I had to go to the emergency room because I cut my hand and needed stitches.

I have no idea where this strand of bad luck is coming from. I try to stay positive, but lately I have been struggling because it’s just one thing after another.

Today I am attempting to go about my normal day taking care of my children while having limited use of my right hand. If anyone wants to send some good luck my way I’d greatly appreciate it.

Published by Ashleyhouck

I’m a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful angels and many fur babies.

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  1. Hope your luck turns around soon. With small kids, I know how common it is to be sleep deprived. I say this because I remember feeling like the biggest klutz when my kids were little. I dropped glasses all the time! Now, I realize I was trying to do too much when I was sleeping far too little. Take it easy on yourself, and I bet your luck will turn!

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    1. Thank you! This week I am forced to take it easy until I get my stitches out. Like you, I am a huge klutz. I purposely use plastic cups and plates for this reason. I suppose I will have to accept that some things can be left for tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful week!

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  2. My grandmother was superstitious. She used to keep a ‘bad luck’ cup in her cupboard. It was just a plain cup that was cracked or the handle was broken so that it couldn’t be used as a cup anymore. She believed strongly that bad luck happened in threes. When two bad things happened to her she would go to her cupboard, take down the bad luck cup and smash it on the floor exclaiming “This is the third thing!”. She would then buy a cheap cup to become her new bad luck cup. It seemed to work for her. Sending you some lucky vibes. πŸ™‚

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    1. Thank you! Your grandmother sounds hilarious. I too was brought up with the belief that bad things happen in 3’s. Unfortunately within the last year I have lost track of how many sets of threes it has been for me. This is such a cute idea though. I’m happy to hear it worked for her πŸ™‚

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